A very well-known blogger posted this awhile back. “I will give you this hint, which I have mentioned in the past, the key to this mystery is in the birth dates.”
That quotation is from this post This post also states that Trig is Sarah’s and that the blogger making these statements had known for about six months that Trig was not Bristol or Levi’s baby.
Here are my thoughts about what these statements might mean.
We know that Sarah did not give birth to a baby on April 18, 2008 or any other date in 2008. There is too much photographic evidence to believe otherwise.
We know that a baby was presented as Trig Palin in April of 2008. We know a different child was presented as Trig in the fall of 2008. Why the switch?
I think the child being held in the hospital by Chuck and Sally Heath grew into the round ear Trig we recognize from the RNC. The features of these babies match, in my opinion.

So where does the baby below, also presented as Trig until sometime in May, fit into this puzzle?
To make sense of this we need to go back to the time when Sarah decided to fake her pregnancy. Why would the Governor of Alaska pretend to be pregnant? I can think of only one reason. Her teenage daughter was pregnant and she didn’t want to deal with the political embarrassment and consequences. Sarah believed in abstinence only sex education. She couldn’t have her teenage daughter walking around pregnant; living proof that teaching only abstinence wasn’t working. She was being considered as a VP candidate. Her daughter’s pregnancy coming out would almost have certainly been the end of that.
So the teenage Bristol was sent to live with Sarah’s sister in Anchorage where she wouldn’t be as noticeable. Unfortunately, they waited a little too long to send Bristol away from Wasilla and a few rumors started. Sarah tried to quell them as best she could but they would later prove troublesome.
Sarah announced her own pregnancy about ten weeks before Bristol’s due date. She didn’t like having to appear pregnant so by waiting so long to announce she knew she wouldn’t have to wear the disguise for very long.
Unfortunately, Bristol gave birth early to a tiny preemie with an ear deformity. Possible Fetal Alcohol Syndrome was diagnosed. Sarah couldn’t present this baby as her own. She considered faking a miscarriage but she would be expected to be grieving. She needed to be seen as strong and capable to keep her VP dreams alive. Sarah asked her family doctor to assist her in finding a baby. CBJ owed Sarah a lot so even though it was unethical she agreed to try.
While Sarah was in Texas in April to make a speech she got a call from CBJ. A newborn had been turned in under the Safe Haven Law that Sarah, herself had signed just a couple of months earlier. Sarah gave her speech and then she and Todd embarked on The Wild Ride back to Alaska to claim the child.
Sarah was surprised that the baby had Down Syndrome but realized it would be a political plus. They released a statement saying only that they knew through early testing that the baby had special challenges. A few days later the Down Syndrome diagnosis was made public.
Soon after the baby’s picture appeared on television. and in the newspapers, the baby’s parent or parents came back claiming they had decided against giving the baby up. It’s possible they wanted money from Sarah and Todd to keep quiet. The Safe Haven Law does allow for a change of heart. So the adoption, whether formal or informal, was delayed.
In the meantime, Sarah needed a baby to play the part of Trig and since Bristol’s baby was tiny and Trig was supposed to be a preemie, Sarah substituted him. She tried to keep the malformed ear from being photographed but a few pictures made it onto the Internet without Sarah knowing it at the time.
Sometime in May, Sarah and Todd were finally able to gain custody of the newborn first presented as Trig. Bribery or threats may or may not have been used to persuade the baby’s birth parent or parents to let the Palin’s raise the child but I would be surprised if the cost of raising a child with Down Syndrome wasn’t spelled out for them. The first Trig rejoined the family and the ruffle-eared baby of Bristol’s disappeared from public view.
What happened to this child?
If the key is indeed the birthdates, the blogger had to be referring to more than one birth. One birth would be Safe Haven Trig on or before April 18, 2008. The other birth would be Bristol’s baby, Tripp, who’s birth wouldn’t be announced until late December 2008.
So how could a ten month old child pass as a two and a half month old infant when the baby was finally presented in February?
First, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and other conditions such as failure to thrive can slow a baby’s physical development. Second, when Tripp was introduced he seemed large for his supposed age. Each time he is seen he appears larger than he should be for his stated age. This size discrepancy is what aroused my suspicions.

Tripp’s age in the above picture is given as 4 months. So does this photo show a larger than normal 4 month old or a smaller than normal 1 year old? I vote for the latter.
Another thing to consider about size is that babies in the lowest percentiles may be the same size or even smaller than their much younger counterparts who are in the highest percentiles.
I think Ruffles was Tripp all the time. During the time he was out of sight, the ear was repaired. Yes, the surgery would have been before the recommended age but we all know there are unscrupulous surgeons who will do anything if the price is right. It’s also possible that the degree of ear malformation was not as bad as it seemed in the pictures and only a minor procedure was needed.
The existence of Tripp proved a plus after Sarah was selected as the VP candidate. The rumors that Sarah had faked her pregnancy earlier in the year to cover for Bristol were quieted to a great degree when it was announced that Bristol was 5 months pregnant. Doubts about Bristol’s fall/early winter 2008 pregnancy were discussed on Palin’s Deceptions. There is excellent information on the subject there.
I think that the above theory fits with the facts that we know and also fits with the hint given that the birthdates are the key. However, thinking is far from proving and proof is what we need. If anyone has pieces of information about the points I have made, whether proving or disproving, please share them with me. Hopefully, if we all keep working together we can uncover something to show the world once and for all that even though Trig is Sarah’s child she didn’t give birth to him.