Thursday, September 2, 2010

Random Observations


Highly Recommended - Sarah Palin: The Sound and the Fury

Vanity Fair deserves a big thanks for stating the truth about Sarah Palin. Of course, in the grand scheme of things it will change nothing. Those who hate her will still hate her; those who worship her will still grovel at her feet. It did, however, do me good to read the article full of details about her temper tantrums and diva like behavior. It’s one of the very few stories about her that tells it like it is.

I can picture very well Todd and Sarah tossing canned goods at one another after an early morning battle to see who can drop the F bomb the most times. Them “rill Ahlaskuns” is tough. But all kidding aside, the piece certainly confirmed that Sarah has more than one serious personality disorder. For her kids’ sake, I hope she gets some help soon.

A Super Sweet Fluff Piece - Sarah Palin welcomes you into her home for a family first

What a contrast between the Vanity Fair article referenced above and the one I am about to discuss.

This sticky sweet story appeared in the Mother’s Day issue of USA Weekend. I could almost smell the aroma of Piper’s birthday cupcakes emanating from my computer as I struggled to read this tale of Super-Mom Sarah and her splendiferous family. But there are a few interesting morsels in this otherwise bland, butt-kissing piece of purple prose; mostly observations from the accompanying pictures.

  • Why change clothes during a three hour interview? I can understand toddlers, Trig and Tripp, needing a change but Sarah, Bristol and Piper all changed tops. I guess the Palins really are clothes horses.
  • Sarah interacts with Tripp more than with Trig. Maybe Levi was telling the truth when he made that remark about Sarah not wanting the “retarded” baby.
  • Speaking of Tripp, the first picture states he is 16 months old. Not true. At the time the pictures were taken on Piper’s birthday in March, he would have been a few days shy of 15 months. In these pictures he still looks very much a baby with chubby face and short legs. In contrast, just 4 months later on the Us Weekly cover he appears much older.

1palins bristol_levi_usweekly

  • So Bristol is or was working for an Anchorage dermatologist. Dr. Robert G. Thompson is an OB-GYN but he also lists Dermatology/Cosmetic Dermatology in his list of specialties. Makes me wonder again if there is a connection between him and the Palins. Does anyone know the name of the doctor Bristol works or worked for?


Dancing With The Stars

I guess Bristol has the role of the young cutie for this fall’s edition of the aging ABC twirl fest. Personally, I think they are making a big mistake by choosing her but I don’t normally watch so what ever. I have only caught a few minutes of it here and there. Does anyone know if they usually show the contestants families? Maybe we can get a good gauge on Tripp’s real size if they do. Thank goodness for DVR’s. I’m sure my fast forward button will get a workout if I do watch.

If anyone has any info to share or would like to suggest a topic for a post, feel free to email me.
