Saturday, September 18, 2010

Food For Thought


I have spent quite a few hours the past couple of days looking through the pictures on the Mat-Su Regional Web Nursery. One thing that I noticed is that the cap Trig is wearing in the picture below is most likely provided by the hospital as there were several babies with the exact same cap.

1trig 68906 

Most of the babies pictured are wearing cute little outfits provided by their families so why was Trig, newborn son of the Governor, photographed in a hospital handout?

I have also often wondered why Trig was burrito wrapped in that striped baby blanket. Are they trying to hide something? I noticed that some babies are only wearing shirts like the ones shown below which are probably hospital issued.

80716  80720

Wanna bet on what Trig’s wearing beneath that blanket?

Moving on, I was looking through my collection of Trig pictures and noticed something that I hadn’t spotted before.


Looking at that halo or whatever that’s supposed to be over Trig’s head, you can plainly see VP. I know Sarah will try to say that it stands for Van Palin but I bet she really meant it to stand for Vice President.


More Information About Dr. Robert G. Thompson

I still haven’t been able to find a concrete link between Dr. Thompson and the Palins but I did come across a couple of things I find interesting. The Peninsula Clarion carried this article which I have dated as being from late December 2006, probably the 29th or 30th going by the world and national events reported on the right side of the page – Saddam Hussein’s execution and reference to Gerald Ford’s death.

Points I find interesting:

  • Son Nathan is a professional hockey player who is five years older than Track. They may have been acquainted through their mutual sport.
  • Wife Karen has been employed as a flight attendant with Alaska Airlines for over 7 years. It’s likely that she has worked on some of Sarah’s flights considering Sarah’s diverse destinations.
  • He and his wife have been immersed in music their whole lives. Karen is a former US Jazz champion singer and Robert is a concert violinist. They have both concentrated on gospel and praise and worship music. They could have met the Palins at religious gatherings.
  • I found the following in an obituary for Rebecca Atwater from 2005 proving that a Karen and a Robert Thompson lived in Wasilla at that time. I don’t know if they are the Dr. and his wife or totally different people with the same names.

None of this information proves anything but it is interesting and shows that it’s very possible that Dr. Thompson or other members of his family could be acquainted with the Palins.

If anyone knows anything regarding the new information I have discovered or has anything to share or discuss, please contact me.
