I have always thought that Bristol and Levi’s son was named Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston. That was the name that was announced by People and other media outlets. Even the Palin-loving Faux News gives that as the baby’s name.
Excerpt from People article:
The baby's name is Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston and he was born at 5:30 a.m., according to Jones.
Baby Tripp takes his surname from his dad, Levi Johnston, an apprentice electrician and former Wasilla High School hockey player who has been dating Bristol for three years.
The surname would make sense as Bristol and Levi were supposedly engaged at the time the child was born and Levi openly acknowledged paternity.
But is that really his name? Not according to court records. Here are just a few where the child is referred to as Tripp Johnston-Palin.
So which name is correct?
I am no lawyer but I have to believe that Tripp Johnston-Palin is correct since the legal name is what would probably be required on court documents.
I can’t find any references to Tripp’s name being changed after Bristol and Levi’s first engagement ended.So why were we led to believe that Tripp’s surname was Johnston?
Was it to make us believe that Bristol and Levi’s relationship was more serious than it really was? Were they really engaged in 2008 or was that as fake as Sarah’s pregnancy? I vote for the latter.
Another interesting fact revealed in this court document is that Tripp receives health coverage from the IHS and Alaska Native Medical Center. Socialized medicine for a Palin? Is Granny freaking over that? Are Todd and all the Palin offspring getting the same coverage? Is it free?
The more I delve into the actions of the Palins the more I realize what hypocritical sleaze balls they really are.
Thanks to all who have emailed me with tips and suggestions. Keep them coming. We are uncovering the lies and half-truths slowly but surely.