I have updated the signature composite to include another sample of CBJ’s handwriting also from the public records available from the Alaska DNR Office of the Recorder.
The purpose of the letter purportedly from CBJ on November 3, 2008 was not to report on the health of Sarah Palin. It is blatantly obvious that the letter’s aim was to prove that Sarah Palin gave birth to Trig Palin on April 18, 2008. However, it failed miserably and only raised more questions.
The letter begins with CBJ blowing her own horn; that is if the good doctor is really the author. Including her credentials and awards is unnecessary. Stating that she is Governor Sarah Palin’s personal physician is sufficient. Giving too much information is a mistake often made when telling a lie.
The letter immediately focuses on the pregnancies of Sarah Palin. Since pregnancy is not an illness isn’t it odd for that to be the primary focus?
This sentence, “At the time of her most recent pregnancy, Governor Palin had no health risk factors other than her age,” could refer to her pregnancy with Piper. Sarah was 36 when Piper was conceived. Pregnancy after age 35 is considered higher risk.
Then there is this statement. "She followed the normal and recommended schedule for prenatal care, including follow-up perinatology evaluations to ensure there was no significant congenital heart disease or other condition of the baby that would preclude delivery at her home community hospital. This child, Trig, was born at 35 weeks in good health. He was able to go home at two days of age with his mother." Going Rogue, in addition to other sources, revealed that Trig had a hole in his heart. Going Rogue actually says holes, so maybe more than one. Since according to the letter the fetus was evaluated for congenital heart defects, then Sarah was aware of the baby’s condition. Wow! This pro-life saint of a mother who was so concerned about her baby’s well-being hopped on an airplane for the long journey back to Alaska without even being examined just to make sure the baby would be okay? Yes, because the baby was never in Texas.
The letter also reports that at the time of Trig’s last office visit he was growing and developing normally for a child with Trisomy 21. Good to know but what does Trig’s health have to do with the issue this letter is supposed to be addressing? Nothing. That information was included to reiterate that it was safe for Sarah to return to Alaska to deliver Trig since he didn’t suffer any adverse consequences and hopefully mitigate the absurdity of the wild ride.
Another questionable element is this statement. “It is not routine to perform screening tests such as electrocardiograms or liver enzyme panels on young healthy women with no risk factors – and as such I have not performed those tests on Governor Palin.” Sarah Palin, age 44 years and eight months at the time the letter was written would be considered middle-aged. Cholesterol testing is recommended at age 20 or even earlier.
The only non-pregnancy related medical information CBJ gives about Sarah Palin:
- Her blood pressure and pulse at the time of her last office visit with no mention of when that visit was.
- She had a breast biopsy in 1992 for what turned out to be a benign lesion.
- She takes no prescription medications regularly.
- She has no known drug allergies.
The above is plainly just throwing in a few scraps of Sarah Palin’s medical history to try to legitimize the report.
There is certainly doubt that CBJ even wrote the letter. The inconsistencies were discussed in detail by Audrey. The Palin Deception website is no longer available but the blog is still up. Click here to read Audrey’s post about the letter. Click here for the analysis of the letter mentioned in The Purloined Letter.
Using the public records available from the Alaska DNR Office of the Recorder, I captured screenshots of CBJ’s signature from these records:
Quitclaim Deed 1992
Stat Warranty Deed 1998
Quitclaim Deed 1999
I then made the composite of signatures below with the topmost being the signature from the letter.
I’m sorry that the quality of this graphic isn’t better or if it distorts the page but it was the best I could do using windows paint program. I do believe it shows that the signature in the letter is questionable. I am not a handwriting expert by any means so feel free to express your thoughts as to whether or not the signature on the letter is legitimate. I look forward to everyone’s input.
As always, feel free to make any comments or suggestions about this post or anything related to babygate/ Sarah Palin. Email me with any information you think may be useful. Time is flying by and 2012 will be here before we know it. We have to step up our efforts to insure that Sarah Palin will never be elected POTUS. I may be posting less often as I am spending much of my time researching but I am not going anywhere.