I decided to search back further in the Mat-Su Regional Online Nursery pictures. Below is another that I found which reminds me of Trig. This picture is also one that doesn’t appear in the calendar style listings so it took me quite awhile to find this by changing ID numbers. By using the calendar which gives birth dates I was able to date this picture as likely being from late December of 2007 or early January 2008 which fits with the theory that Trig was born around that time.
Does anyone know where and when the picture of Trig on the new release note was taken?
More Evidence That Trig Is Older Than Stated
Here is a picture taken during the 2008 Presidential campaign. Trig couldn’t have been more than six and a half months old if the photo was taken prior to the election but he is waving. Most children don’t wave until around eight months or more. Pretty impressive for a Down Syndrome child to be reaching milestones earlier than non-special needs counterparts.
Another Picture of Sarah From Fur and Ice March 2008?
I believe this picture is another from Fur and Ice Expo on March 6, 2008. Once again no sign of pregnancy.
Please feel free to discuss these pictures and email me if you have any additional information.
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