One day last week, I was a victim of a practical joke. My son and his family are visiting from out of state. My two year old granddaughter kept tugging on the cord to my mouse until it finally bit the dust. I replaced the mouse with a wireless model which was packaged with a wireless keyboard. I could have just used the touchpad on my laptop but I prefer a traditional mouse. I didn’t need the wireless keyboard so I put it aside. BIG MISTAKE!
My son is a Republican. My husband and I raised him better. Really. We did. But that’s how he turned out. We can’t even blame it on his wife because he was voting that way before he met her.
He often tells me how loony I am for believing that crazy Sarah Palin conspiracy theory. We have had many heated debates on the subject over the past two years. I didn’t even tell him when I started this blog but my husband let it slip.
So the other morning, while I am doing some research for a post,my computer starts acting crazy. The calculator program opens by itself and numbers start appearing. Then my computer reboots on its own. I am worried that my computer is being hacked.
My son is some what of a computer whiz, so he uses one of our other computers to log in to our router. He tells me our network is being accessed locally and disconnects our router and modem. I turn my computer off, wait a few minutes and then turn it on again. Windows won’t start. I am convinced my hard drive has been scrubbed.
My son finally gets the computer back on and hooks the router and modem back up. It works normally for a few minutes then the problems start again. My pictures are accessed and a picture of my granddaughter pops up. Then the notepad program opens and a message appears: “Palin says BOOOO! Leave Trig alone.”
I am going crazy. I start wondering aloud if the hacker can see me through the built in webcam. Soon a message appears. I C U. I write a message on a piece of paper and hold it up in front of the webcam. It says “Who are you?” The hacker responds with, “I am the king.” Convinced I am being viewed, I wonder if the hacker can hear me too.So I say, “What do you want?” “I want to help you nail Palin,” comes the reply. “There are four babies involved. One is a Safe Haven baby.”
I finally begin to get suspicious of my son who kept leaving the room. He has a Blackberry and I wonder if he is in the other room doing the hacking. I send his wife to look and he is in there using my wireless keyboard to mess with me. I feel like an idiot and am pretty pissed that several hours of my time were wasted.
This morning I was thinking about how easily my son fooled me into believing my computer was under attack. It made me wonder have all of us who believe that Sarah wasn’t pregnant with Trig been deceived in an even more devious manner?
Here’s my theory as to how Sarah might have fooled us in a manner different than what we suspect.
Sarah really was pregnant with Trig but she never had testing that showed he had Down Syndrome. He was born very prematurely due to her hectic schedule before Sarah was even far enough along to show .
Trig’s existence had to be kept secret for a couple of reasons. First, so that Sarah wouldn’t look bad for not taking better care of herself while pregnant. Second, so she wouldn’t look bad for not staying with Trig while he struggled for life in an NICU in Anchorage. Bristol was sent to stay with Heather so a family member would be close to the baby since Sarah didn’t have time. Being Governor and hopefully getting the VP nomination was more important than bonding with the fragile infant who might not even live.
When it became clear that Trig would survive, a way to explain his existence had to be formulated so the fake pregnancy plan was invented. But Sarah hated wearing the empathy belly so she tried to fudge it at times by using pillows and pads which caused her size to vary. People in Wasilla began gossiping that it was Bristol who was really pregnant and Sarah was trying, not very well, to cover for her.
The Wild Ride was planned from the get-go so that Sarah could be done with the pregnancy and appear heroic at the same time.
That explains why Sarah won’t show the birth certificate. The birth date will be wrong.
Now consider this: Sarah will run for President and the fake pregnancy will be brought up to try to discredit her. She will agree to a DNA test that will prove she is indeed Trig’s mother making all of us who doubted her look like fools. She gets lots of sympathy votes for all the flack she received and wins the election.
Whether the above scenario is true or not, something about Trig Palin’s birth is suspicious.
Anyone who knows anything that could expose the truth needs to come forward now. Gryphen, Patrick, anyone with hard evidence of the truth, it’s time to share it now! While there’s still time to make sure everyone knows the depths that Sarah Palin will sink to for political and financial gain.
Or we all might find out too late that we’ve been Punk’d.