I made another signature composite. This one includes the CBJ signature from the letter along with signatures of Sarah and Todd from public records available from the Alaska DNR Office of the Recorder.
There are three sets of signatures of Sarah and Todd. The middle right center is from a document only signed by Todd.
To me, it looks like there may be similarities between the “a” in the first “Sarah” and the “a” in Baldwin but I’m not sure. Then look at the “h” in Johnson and the “h” in the “Sarah” below Todd’s signature on the right. Both of those “h” ‘s look like a cursive “l” connected to a cursive “i”, in my opinion.
Another thing I noticed about the Palin’s signatures is the possibility that one of them signed the other’s name on the documents I obtained the signatures from. Each set looks like the signatures could have been done by the same person, to my eye. So considering all the Palins signatures, including the middle right signature of Todd alone, do you think one of them signed the CBJ letter and if so which one?
One more thing before I close. I received an email suggesting having a handwriting expert do an analysis. I am on a fixed income so it’s not within my budget. The reader who emailed me suggested maybe starting a fund to have the analysis done. If you reply to this post please indicate whether you think I should add a PayPal button for donations to a fund for that purpose. This expert charges $295 for a verbal opinion and $590 for an official written letter of opinion.
Please express your opinions freely and I look forward to your responses.