Friday, September 10, 2010

Double, Double Toil And Trouble


I had never heard of Dr. Gina Loudon, her husband John, or their children until a few days ago when Dr. Gina began her defense of Sarah Palin. So I began to research the Loudon clan who as it turns out are a lot like the Palins who they seem to be trying to emulate.

Like the Palins they are a political family and have five children. One of the children, Samuel, who is adopted, has Down Syndrome.

In a recent Vanity Fair article, reporter Michael Gross mistakenly identified five year old Samuel Loudon as Trig Palin. The mistake is certainly understandable as seen in the photos below. Top, Trig, middle, Samuel, bottom, Trig. There is definitely a resemblance.


Samuel’s mother seems to have trouble accepting that a mistake was made. She has been trying to use that mistake to discredit the whole article. However, Gina Loudon has something besides politics and five kids including one with Down Syndrome in common with Sarah. Like Sarah, Gina Loudon lies.

Why is Gina Loudon defending Sarah Palin with such ferocity? Why is she telling lies in an effort to make Michael Gross look bad? Could it be that Michael Gross inadvertently revealed something that the Palins and the Loudons didn’t want revealed?

Here is a picture of Trig that has always bothered me because something about him doesn’t look right. He is slimmer than he appears in other pictures, his face is thinner and his neck seems a lot smaller.


At least two pro- Palin blogs, here and here present the photo above as Trig. I haven’t seen that identification disputed anywhere.

Now take a good luck at the following image.



The little boy is identified as Sam Loudon.

I think the child with the Palins is Sam Loudon. Notice Sam’s face is thin and his neck is small like the boy in the first picture.

Is it possible that the Palins borrow Sam on occasion as a Trig double. But for what reason? Why would Trig be unavailable to his parents?

Another oddity is that according to the Vanity Fair piece, Piper was pushing five year old Sam in a baby carriage. Why would a five year old be in a baby carriage or even a stroller? Sam can walk as seen in this video.

Gina Loudon talks about how close the Palins are to Sam and how Piper spends so much time with him. Sounds like they almost have a brother/sister relationship. Hmmm…Interesting.

If anyone has seen other pictures where Samuel might have been playing Trig or if you have any additional info on the Loudons, please email me.
