Lately there have been renewed requests for Sarah Palin to show Trig’s birth certificate. What would that really prove? To me, nothing.
There has been speculation over the past 2 years that the reason Sarah won’t show the birth certificate is because the date of birth won’t be April 18. 2008. I believe that is true. The original birth certificate will show a birth date earlier than that. But does anyone really believe that Sarah doesn’t have another birth certificate with all the i’s dotted and the t’s crossed?
So why won’t she show the birth certificate? In a word. Ego.
How dare anyone question her word?!
So what would it really take to prove that Sarah Palin is the biological mother of Trig?
The only thing that would convince me would be if a trusted person obtained DNA from Sarah and Trig and had testing done without the parties involved being identified. That would be the only conclusive evidence for me.
So readers, tell me what would it take to convince you that Sarah gave birth to Trig?
Would a birth certificate be enough for you or would you need harder evidence?