E! Online is reporting that comedian Margaret Cho, one of Bristol's 'DWTS' competitors, thinks Sarah Palin "forced" Bristol to take part in the reality show to make amends for her pregnancy during the 2008 election.
More details can be read on Margaret’s blog.
I think that Margaret speaks the truth because it was pretty obvious most of the time that Bristol was not happy.
What really intrigues me is that Margaret says the reason for Bristol’s forced tenure on DWTS was to make amends for her pregnancy during the 2008 election and that Bristol’s pregnancy was the reason the McCain/Palin ticket didn’t win. That is just absurd!
There was no reason for Bristol’s pregnancy with Tripp (which I am not even convinced was a real pregnancy) to become common knowledge. Bristol could have stayed in Alaska. She didn’t have to appear at the RNC or on the campaign trail. There are so many ways her absence could have been explained. School, illness, broken bone…
You wanted her there, Sarah. You paraded her in all her pregnant splendor to prove that she couldn’t possibly be Trig’s mother because she was five months pregnant. You wanted her there as proof that you were Trig’s real mother. But your plan didn’t work. People still had doubts, Sarah. The majority of voters didn’t want YOU to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency. Don’t blame Bristol for your mistakes, Sarah.
So the pregnancy that Bristol had to make amends for wasn’t the Tripp pregnancy. was it, Sarah? It was her pregnancy with Trig that you hold against her, isn’t it? Just let it go, Sarah! Bristol’s pregnancy didn’t cost you the election. You cost yourself the election when you decided to fake a pregnancy and did such a poor job of it that no one with half a brain believed you were really pregnant. You couldn’t even pretend to be pregnant for more than six weeks because you are. always have been and always will be, A QUITTER!