Update: I just want to clarify that the email exchange in my post “View From The Other Side” was not with Alex Fuller. I received the picture from an anonymous source unrelated to the Palins or Fullers. The email exchange was unrelated to the picture.
As for Alex’s age, I came across some information that indicated he was 20 years old, hence my comment that he was around Bristol’s age. A comment to this post pointed out links to stories of an Alex Fuller who is competing in various sports for Wasilla High this year. I don’t know if there are two Alex Fuller’s in Wasilla or my info about his age was wrong. His name is Alex N. Fuller if anyone has any additional info about his true age.
Lately I have been reviewing my collection of Palin related pictures. There are a couple that I want to share with my readers.
The first is an old picture from 2008 of Sarah taking Trig from Bristol’s arms. Notice the pained expression on Bristol’s face. She doesn’t appear at all happy to be handing the baby over to her mother. It looks like Bristol is thinking, “Please be careful with my baby.”
The second picture is one I was sent by a reader who wanted to show me that Trig is happy and well cared for. I don’t know when it was taken but it seems fairly recent judging by Trig’s size. I was reluctant to share it but after learning the identity of the young man pictured with Trig, I decided to go ahead. The guy cuddling with Trig is Alex Fuller of Wasilla. He is the son of Juanita Fuller, Palin family friend who also has been identified as Sarah’s manager.
From what I have been able to learn about Alex he is around Bristol’s age and a good friend of all the Palins. I know a fair amount about young men of this age. Most aren’t much interested in snuggling up with toddlers unless they are related and a lot of times not even then. Now, I’m not saying that Alex is Trig’s daddy but this picture certainly makes me wonder.
Happy New Year, everyone! Here’s hoping that 2011 brings the truth about babygate to light and rids U.S. politics of Sarah Palin forever.
If anyone has information to share about this picture or about Alex, please email me. Your privacy will be maintained.