Monday, November 15, 2010

Strange Picture Of Tripp


I DVR’d Sarah Palin’s Alaska last night so I could FF through the boring parts. Actually the whole show was dull as dishwater and obviously as fake as Sarah’s pregnancy with Trig. No surprise there.

A noteworthy quote from the show; Sarah says she loves Alaska as much as she loves her family. Well, that is actually a good comparison since she quit on the state as Governor and is a part-time mother at best.

After I finished watching, which only took me about ten minutes, I went to the TLC website. They have a photo gallery of Palin pictures there. Take a look at picture number 8. Does it look like Tripp has a ponytail or are my eyes playing tricks on me?

Is it possible the role of Tripp is being played by a girl?

Everyone please post your opinion in the comments on whether or not you think Tripp’s hair is in a ponytail and if so could Tripp really be female.



GinaM said...

Looks like "nap hair". Like they woke him up from a nap to take this picture.IMHO

FEDUP!!! said...

YUP!!!! Good catch! Wonder if 'Tripp' then actually IS a girl, because i do not believe $arah would go along with girly-fying her own grandson - would she???

FEDUP!!! said...

Gina M.: enlarge the picture (click on 'CTRL' and '+' together) - you can see like a hair clip on top of his (HER???) head, but it definitely is the child she claims to be her grandson... Wonder what Levi will say to that...

scarlet/oregon said...

I agree with you that it's a girl or Tripp's hair grew overnight. Also interesting is the 1st picture caption reads Sarah's mom...I don't think so.

Lots of dis-interest on TLC's part in getting anything right plus letting Sarah really look and act wondering if this Show won't ultimately be $arah's downfall?

FEDUP!!! said...

Oh, and one more thing to that picture: Notice how everyone is dressed quite warmly, and has boots on - except TriG...

Anonymous said...

There is definitely a hair clip or something but might be to keep it out of his eyes. Looks rather long on top.

Think Trig is dressed that way because he doesn't get to go anywhere. The rest are getting ready to leave but not Trig.

Anonymous said...

Looks like hair in a barrette to me. And did you notice as usual everybody has on coats but trig doesn't have on any shoes. #8.

Anonymous said...

I noticed how she looks very much like an old grandmother.

GinaM said...

@FEDUP!! Hmmm...I blew up the picture and it looks like something keeping the little "fellas" hair poofy in the back. If Tripp really is "Trippilia" (girl name for Tripp maybe LOL) then that would explain the baby doll he/she was holding in that DWTS clip of Bristol and Mark in her LA apartment. Hmmmm...come to think of it, isn't that when they took "Tripp" back to Wasilla?

Also on last nights show...I thought I saw Willow getting ready to change "Tripps" diaper on that awful bearskin rug....but then they changed the scene to Sarah kissing him/her.

One more thing....Did Mercede make a point of saying that Levi has ONE SON!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree, it looks like a hair clip holding back long hair. And Tripp kind of looks like Bristol in that photo. But I don't get it, Tripp is obviously an actual child, what purpose could it possibly serve to misrepresent his/her gender?

Anonymouse said...

He's wearing one of Sarah's bumpits. Starting the emasculation early.

Ginger said...

Who is Tripp's nanny? We know it isn't Ivy Frye. Someone flies Tripp from Wasilla to LA for photo ops and then home again.

I think I saw her once in the video that was on ET when Bristol was doing the shoot for VF. It was back in March. Since then, I haven't seen her.

Tripp could be a girl? Just another Palin joke on us!

Anonymous said...

That's Trig, not Tripp

Anonymous said...

What concerns me is a two year old riding in a wagon with nothing to support his back. One bump or hard tug on the handle and the top heavy toddler is out on his head.

Anonymous said...

If you look at picture #6, Tripp does have quite a head of hair. It is possible that they did just clip it back with a barrette or something to get it out of his face, but the child does look like there is more hair than in other photos. Also, the girl standing to the left of the wagon is not Piper - is that the cousin McKinley?

Also, too, - I've spent many a season on the beach getting clams, but we never went *clam hunting*...........we always went *clam digging*. Is that another of Palin's unique descriptives, such as her *cement slab* instead of patio?

Anonymous said...

Nap hair. Kid has a lot of nice curly hair, but what a sullen little kid. I have never seen a two year old with a pout on 90% of the time. He must take after his mother.

Pic #1 - titled Sarah and her mother - not. Maybe Todd's mother or grandmother.

Pic#5 - Sullen Tripp propped up on Bristol's expanding belly.

In photos of Todd & Trig, Todd always seems to be enjoying himself. In photos of Srah and Trigg, she always seems to be trying to get away from the kid.

Anonymous said...

Look at poor Trig again, inadequately dressed.
No shoes or socks and mom is dressed in a jacket and hat.

you dig clams, not hunt them!!!

Anonymous said...

Tripp is really huge and has a lot of hair for a child who is not yet two.