The long awaited post by Mercede Johnston regarding the birth of Trig Palin went live a few days ago. Not surprisingly there was very little new information in the post. In fact, the post only raised more questions which prompted her to post again supposedly to answer those questions.
So what do these latest posts tell us? How do Mercede’s observations compare with what we’ve heard before?
The First Post
Mercede said Bristol was talking about the family being suspicious that Sarah was pregnant. Other than in Going Rogue where Sarah said that Willow noticed she was gaining weight, I don’t recall that being mentioned before.
Mercede writes that Bristol was acting hostile around that time. That we have heard before. Bristol was most likely hostile due to Sarah’s decision to fake a pregnancy and raise Bristol’s baby as her own. She could hardly divulge that to Mercede so Mercede was told or assumed that Bristol’s hostility was due to Sarah having kept her pregnancy a secret from the family.
Next, she discusses the pictures of her holding Trig on May 3, 2008 which was Levi’s birthday. She claims to be excited about Bristol being pregnant with her niece or her nephew and in awe of baby Trig. Wasn’t that before Bristol and Levi supposedly told anyone?
She brushes off all the cute nicknames for everyone as just her being a teenager and something she has always done. Okay.
Then she brings up Sarah’s physical appearance in the photo. Mercede admits she looks lean but insists that is the way Sarah always looked to her. She goes on to remark in a way that I can only call defensive, that people pick every detail about her (Sarah) apart. She points out that Sarah is wearing basically the same outfit on the first episode of Sarah Palin’s Alaska and that maybe those are Sarah’s comfortable clothes. Yes, Sarah looks comfortable but definitely not two weeks post-partum. I also have to wonder how Mercede will explain Sarah wearing this coat while filming her show and it fitting just like it did when she was pregnant on March 1, 2008.
The top picture was taken March 1, 2008. The bottom picture was taken during the filming of the second episode of Sarah Palin’s Alaska.

I think Mercede realizes at this point that it sounds like she is defending Sarah so she states she isn’t sticking up for her or saying that Sarah isn’t hiding something. She is just giving her opinion and that after all the Palins have done to her family if she knew something she wouldn’t keep it secret.
Next, Mercede touches on the subject of Trig’s ears. She says that she never noticed anything being wrong with them. If she was as in awe of Trig as she states how could she not have noticed?
In the rest of the post, she questions why Sarah doesn’t just provide proof that she is Trig’s mother and shut everyone up and laments that she didn’t pay much attention to what was going on back then and wishes she had. She says that Bristol and Levi brought Trig to the Johnston home to visit several times and that her mother never snoticed any differences in Trig’s appearance. Perhaps those visits were after the new Trig was obtained.
Mercede ends the first post with an emphatic statement that Bristol isn’t Trig’s mother. Bristol was with Levi all the time and that Levi wouldn’t hide something like that from her. She says she saw Bristol once in awhile and Bristol had no baby belly. Well, neither did Sarah so where did Trig come from?
Her final remark is that “There is NO WAY that Trig is Bristol’s son. To my knowledge she has had one beautiful son, and that is my precious nephew Tripp Johnston.”
So maybe Bristol had a daughter…
The Second Post: Mercede Answers Some Questions
In this first sequel, Mercede addresses some of the questions which were posted in the comments.
She begins by stating that she is telling all she knows and wishing that she had paid more attention to the events that occurred in 2008 so she could clear up any confusion once and for all.
The first question she chooses to answer is about the picture of Levi holding a baby with another baby’s arm cut out of the photo.
Mercede’s reply is “That photo is a picture I took of my brother holding his son with our young cousin on his lap. I cropped out our cousin because I did not have permission to post a picture of her online.” I guess she learned her lesson after posting all those pictures of Trig without permission.
The next question is along the lines of don’t all these well documented events make you think twice about Trig being Sarah’s biological son. Mercede says “I’ll admit that there have been many times when I have had my doubts. It is simply a fact that I just cannot fathom someone being evil and narcissistic enough to fake a pregnancy. Plus I was around during that time, and heard first hand Bristol saying that they thought their mom was pregnant, which she at first denied, and then admitted. And after seeing Bristol so furious with her mom for hiding it, well that led me to believe that it was legit. But yes I still do have my doubts, and if I were Sarah I would just release some proof to end all of this speculation. If it were me that would seem like a no-brainer.”
But in her first post in this series Mercede said “ I did not even ever consider she would fake her pregnancy until I started reading reports and blogs. Even then I didn’t believe it.
I’ve seen and read it all. The ear theory, fake pregnancy suit, adoption, switching out babies, and all I can say is that I never saw any evidence that supports any of that. I also never noticed anything wrong, different, or odd about Trigs ears when I saw him.
If indeed they did fake the pregnancy, adopt, or switch a baby, well then that makes her the most evil and manipulative women I have ever come across. But right now I still have no good reason to doubt that Sarah is the biological mother of Trig.
However, I do question why she has NEVER provided any proof to put the rumors to rest. I realize she is not obligated to do so, but why not shut everybody up? And then recently I heard that she gave the wrong location for his birth. How could she forget that he was born in Wasilla?”
Mercede is contradicting herself but still manages to straddle both sides of the issue.
Then she shifts to questions that have nothing to do with the birth of Trig Palin. These questions are about remarks Bristol made about Levi on Dancing With The Stars and the infamous Facebook flame war. I don’t disagree with what Mercede says in her replies but I do think she is playing for sympathy. She says she would like recent photos of Tripp so she can she how he is changing and show the pictures to Tripp’s great-grandmother. She can certainly print some from the internet because they aren’t scarce. I know it’s not the same but they would be better than nothing.
The last few questions she answered aren’t really noteworthy.
Mercede doesn’t think Bristol is pregnant but does believe she is sexually active despite advocating for abstinence. Time will tell whether Bristol is pregnant or not.
She blasts Sarah’s claim that she barely knew Levi and the Johnstons when Bristol announced she was pregnant with his child. I believe Mercede is very truthful in relating experiences she had with the Palins.
The final question is about the scrubbing of her computer and Mercede again says that she and her family believe it was done by the Secret Service. I find that absurd but I can see where a teenager might believe it.
The Third Post: Mercede Answers More Questions
First, Mercede replies to a question about why Bristol lived with her aunt. She says Bristol didn’t want to move to Juneau because she wanted to be able to see Levi. But the Palins were living in Wasilla at that time and Sarah was charging the state a per diem for expenses so Mercede’s answer makes no sense. Bristol moved to Anchorage to be closer to Levi who lived in Wasilla instead of staying with her family in their home in Wasilla. I think Mercede is sidestepping that question because Bristol has stated that she was living with her aunt while pregnant and the timing is wrong for that to have been the pregnancy with Tripp.
The second question asks if Levi knows he is the father and is there any chance he isn’t and is being paid to pretend. Mercede states that Levi would have asked for a paternity test if he had doubts and would never take money to pretend to be the daddy. She says that Tripp looks identical to Levi as a tot. I wish Mercede would post a picture of little Levi so we can see if that’s true.
The next question is one I have often wondered about. Why does Levi have a hospital bracelet on in a picture where he is holding Trig? Mercede posted a picture of Levi and Tripp and stated she hadn’t seen it before but said she talked to Levi and he identified it as him and Tripp. The picture shown is of Levi and Tripp but where did Mercede find it if she hadn’t seen it before? I also remember another picture of Levi wearing a hospital bracelet and I’m sure that the baby in that picture is NOT Tripp. I am almost positive I saw it before Tripp was even born but I have never been able to find that picture again and can’t remember where I saw it.
Another question is about Bristol not letting Levi speak to Mercede for a whole summer and when did Levi live with the Palins. Mercede states that it was the sumer of 2008 when that happened and also 2008 when Levi lived with the Palins. Contradictory again because the summer of 2008 would have been when Bristol and Levi were taking baby Trig to visit at the Johnston home according to the first post Mercede made in this series.
“After the infamous TriggyBear photos were taken Bristol and Levi had taken Trig to my mother’s home a few times and my mom never noticed anything different or odd about Trig. He was just a joyful baby boy who looked exactly the same everytime she saw him. She never noticed a difference in his appearance whatsoever.”
So we are to believe that Bristol was taking Trig to the Johnston home where Mercede lived but Levi was not to speak to his sister? Levi’s mother put up with her daughter being shunned in her own home?
The final two questions are:
Why is Trig smaller in the Triggybear pictures than in the hospital pictures with the Heaths. Mercede has no explanation for the difference but says maybe it’s camera angles or maybe something really is going on. Yep. Something is going on, alright…
Why is Levi not seeing Tripp and that Bristol might move to Arizona. Doesn’t Levi care?
Mercede says “As you know”Team Levi” does not talk to me about the legal side of things. (Even going so far as to announce in the paper that I “won’t be privy to information from anyone with Team Levi.” And Levi is not allowed to fill me in either, so all that I know about the legal agreement is what I read on the internet. Obviously Levi does not have much control over what happens with Tripp as everybody can determine by how rarely he sees his son these days.”
So Mercede is not privy to the legalities of the custody agreement yet in her second post of this series she said “Bristol saw me cry my eyes out during the deposition (all while she was laughing and rolling her eyes) because I was missing my nephew so very much. And yet she remained unmoved.”
Again, another contradictory statement. Isn’t a deposition part of the legal proceedings?
I am not trying to be harsh but many of Mercede’s comments puzzle me. They make me wonder if she can be trusted. In fact, I wonder if Mercede is even really the author of those posts or if they are being written by someone under Sarah’s control showing just enough disdain for the Palins to make them appear real. At least to Sarah.
Some of the commenters on Mercede’s blog suggested that she should sell any information she has about the Palins and make some money for herself. I think it’s possible, even probable that the Johnstons and the Palins are not the enemies they appear to be but are working together and they are all riding the gravy train straight to the bank.