Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Win–Win: Can You Help Me Out?


If you live in an area that has any of the grocery stores listed below, I am asking for your help. You can also share this with family and friends who live in an area with these stores.

Lowes Foods & Just$ave have stores in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia.

Shop ‘n Save has stores in Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia.

How you can help me:

Treat yourself to a free 2 liter Coke by clicking the link below and entering your store’s reward card number. Your free Coke product will be added to your reward card to be picked up on your next shopping trip.

The deal is good for any of these Coke products:

Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Coca-Cola Zero, Cherry Coke, Diet Cherry Coke, Cherry Coke Zero, caffeine-free Coca-Cola, caffeine-free Diet Coke

For every 20 people who take advantage of this free offer, I will receive a $50 AMEX gift card. Regular readers here know that my husband and I have health problems and struggle with expenses, especially buying gas to doctor appointments and prescription co-pays.

Getting one or more of the gift cards would be a blessing to my husband and I, cost you nothing and you even get a treat for yourself. It’s a win – win!

