This update is to clear up a few things that seem to be confusing some readers and add information pertaining to some comments.
- The picture of Sarah wearing the pink sweater wasn’t taken at Tripp’s 2nd birthday party. It’s just part of a slideshow featuring pictures of Tripp over the past two years. The caption says Sarah and Tripp.
- The picture with the cake is one from the May 3rd, 2008 baby shower. My reason for putting it in the side by side is to show that it’s possibly the same baby in both pictures.
I also have a couple of more pictures I want to add.
The first addresses a comment by a reader suggesting that the baby in the picture where Sarah is wearing the pink sweater might be the daughter of Alaska State Senator Gretchen Guess. That baby was born in Feb. 2005 and doesn’t resemble the baby Sarah is holding to me.
The next picture is regarding dating the photo by comparing Sarah’s eyeglasses. The picture on the left is from March 8, 2008. The one on the right is from March 29, 2008. The eyeglasses Sarah is wearing in the picture on the right look to be the same as in the picture where she is holding the baby. I have seen pictures where she is wearing those eyeglasses in 2007. Search for Sarah Palin at and you will find several. Obviously, Sarah switches between the various pairs of eyeglasses she owns. Ironically, in the photo on the right Sarah is pictured with a pregnant Willow Olson, who gave birth to her second son on July 20th, 2008. The pictures below are located at which continues to be a valuable source of information.
Please keep the comments and suggestions about the baby pictured below coming. Email me if you would like to share something with me privately. In spite of what the commenter T said, I don’t believe it’s just some random baby. I think there is a good possibility that baby is Ruffles and that Ruffles is a girl.
Recently this picture was brought to my attention.
It is part of a slideshow celebrating Tripp’s 2nd birthday at this website. The caption on the photo says “Sarah and Tripp”.
This baby doesn’t look like Tripp to me. I have looked at many pictures of Tripp over the last few days and can’t find even one where he looks like this.
The person who sent me the link to the slideshow doesn’t think it’s Tripp, either. They also contacted Patrick at Palingates regarding the picture.
Patrick’s reply was that he’s 99% sure that the picture is of Sarah holding Alaska State Senator Donald “Donny” Olson’s daughter. Palingates almost always has the facts but the problem is that Olson has no daughter. He has three sons. Colby, Martin and Donald Jr.
While doing research in an attempt to identify the baby in the photo above, I clicked the photo gallery link on Notice that at one time there were several pictures of Sarah Palin on the page but all of them have been removed. I wonder what’s up with that?
However, upon further research, I found this .pdf. Scroll down a little and there is a picture of Sarah holding Martin Olson. Martin doesn’t look like the baby in the picture above.
Willow Olson’s Twitter and Facebook accounts show pictures of her two sons. Donald Jr. is the youngest. He doesn’t look like the baby in the photo, either.
Colby has a Facebook account that rules out any possibility of him being the baby held by Sarah. So who is the baby in Sarah’s arms?
The person who sent me the link suggested that the baby could be an older Ruffles.
Here is a side by side for comparison. I think it is definitely possible that both pictures are of the same baby.
One more thing about the picture on the right. Is the baby wearing a pink sweater? Perhaps Ruffles is or was a girl after all.
Please share your opinions about this picture and if anyone has information about it, please email me.