Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Thoughts On All The Latest Palin Info *UPDATE*


Wow! There has been a lot of new information lately. I am really intrigued by Gryphen’s revelation that he was told of a much older Tripp. I need to look back at my post where I stated that Tripp seemed way too big for his purported age.

I know that the bots are boohooing that we should leave the Palins alone now. They are wallowing in their misery over Sarah’s decision not to run. I would love to feel that Sarah could be safely ignored but alas 2016 is not that far away and if we back away she may feel it’s safe to run. She will have her fans worked into a fevered frenzy by then most assuredly.

I have had to back away from this blog because of my health but I think we are getting so close now that I am going to return to my sleuthing so check back often.

Speaking of my health, my son wants my hubby and me to move in with his family so they can help look after me. He has fixed a room for us. The only thing holding us back is that we need a moving truck for the 1200 mile trip.

My hubby has 22 handcrafted ink pens up for auction on ebay to try to raise the money we need to move. He was totally new to pen turning when he made these pens and I think he did a wonderful job on them. Please take a look at the auctions and if you would like to help with our moving fund by purchasing a pen, I would be very grateful. More pens will be added as they become available so if you don’t see anything you like keep checking.


A wonderful reader purchased all the pens but more will be available soon. I will be offering them here first before listing on ebay. Check back often. We have $300.00 in our moving fund. Our goal is $2000 to cover a Budget truck and car hauler, gas to Texas plus a room for one night on the road.

Thanks to anyone who can help out!
