Wednesday, November 23, 2011

They’re All Fools…

This article reports that the GOP Presidential candidates are all chasing THE endorsement of endorsements. Sarah Palin’s.

How stupid can they be? I think we all know the answer to that question.

Reports at this time are saying Palin may be considering backing Newt Gingrich. After all he heaped tons of praise on her wrinkled behind after her Labor Day speech in Iowa about corruption in Washington.

But then again Romney is said to be actively seeking her support and his senior aides have invoked a speak no ill against Palin policy.

Palin endorsed Perry in the Texas GOP gubernatorial primary race in 2010 but now is said to have reservations about him because of his record of rewarding campaign donors with high positions. How very hypocritical of someone who filled most of the positions in Alaska government with her unqualified school buddies.

Though Bachmann has claimed that she and Sarah are friends that relationship is all washed up. Besides Sarah would never endorse another woman for a position she coveted so badly.

Then there’s Cain, who is said to really want Sarah’s support. Cain is the candidate most like Sarah. Slap a wig, dress, lipstick and a pair of specs on him and it would be hard to tell them apart if he wasn’t black. His intelligence seems on par with hers and he even comes with his own scandals.

So while the fools all clamor for the support of a washed up windbag, our smart President is preparing for his second term.

If any of the clowns mentioned above manage to get elected as POTUS you can bet something fishy happened and this country is in deep doo-doo. I sincerely hope that doesn’t happen.

Encourage everyone to vote Democrat. You can bet all the GOP’ers will be trying to get every vote they can by hook or crook.
